2025-03-06 15:30 |
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2025-02-05 16:33 |
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2024-12-19 10:16 |
ATLAS Collaboration
Prospects for a search for direct pair production of top squarks at the high-luminosity LHC with the ATLAS detector
Prospects for a future search for direct pair production of top squarks (stop) in events with two opposite-charge leptons (electrons or muons), jets and missing transverse momentum at the HL-LHC are investigated in this note. The region of small mass-splitting between the stop and the lightest neutralino Δm(~t1,~χ01), where the stop proceeds through a four-body or three-body decay, without the presence of an on-shell top quark, is studied, and finally the analysis is also applied to the two-body decay region, where Δm(~t1,~χ01)>m(t). [...]
OpenAccess: PDF PDF (PDFA);
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:14 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:12 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:11 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:07 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:05 |
ATLAS Collaboration
Monte Carlo Validation in ATLAS with PAVER
A dedicated validation of new Monte Carlo (MC) versions is essential in order to detect potential issues before launching large-scale MC production campaigns for the ATLAS collaboration in an effective and sustainable way. An automated, robust validation system named PMG Architecture for Validating Evgen with Rivet (PAVER) was developed for this purpose. [...]
OpenAccess: PDF PDF (PDFA);
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:04 |
ATLAS Collaboration
Transformer networks for constituent-based $b$-jet calibration with the ATLAS detector
The precise measurement of a jet’s kinematics is a critical component of the physics program based on proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The determination of the energy and mass of jets containing bottom quarks $b$-jets is particularly difficult as, for example, they have different radiation patterns compared to the average jet and can contain heavy-flavour decays into a charged lepton and an unobserved neutrino. [...]
OpenAccess: PDF PDF (PDFA);
Detailed record - Similar records
2024-12-19 10:02 |
Detailed record - Similar records