Construction work at FS
Construction works in building 25F required us to remove our holdings from room 257 during that time.
The items in question feature shelfmarks like HH FS To keep them accessible at all times, they are shelved at the central library main reading room in a specialized shelf for the time being. (Central library, building 1d, Ground floor). Please use the central library also if you want to return books.

Library holdings

Latest additions:
[PUBDB-2024-01583] Book
Recent advances in linear and nonlinear optics
Basel : MDPI 158 pages () [10.3390/books978-3-0365-4118-1]  GO
Sight is the dominant sense of mankind to apprehend the world at the earth scale and beyond the frontiers of the infinite, from the nanometer to the incommensurable. Primarily based on sunlight and natural and artificial light sources, optics has been the major companion of spectroscopy since scientific observation began. [...]
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eMedia eBook ORD 1 arrived

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[PUBDB-2024-01582] Book
Coherent and polarization optics
Basel : MDPI 180 pages () [10.3390/books978-3-7258-0189-3]  GO
Coherence and polarization are two of the intrinsic properties of a light field, which play a crucial role in determining the light beam propagation and light–matter interaction. The manipulation of coherence and polarization was recognized as an available method to produce many peculiar physical phenomena, which can be superior in some of these applications, such as free-space optical communications, microdensitometry, optical information processing, and plasmonics. [...]
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eMedia eBook ORD 1 arrived

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[PUBDB-2024-01575] Book
; ;
Mathematical methods and applications for artificial intelligence and computer vision
Basel : MDPI 343 pages () [10.3390/books978-3-7258-0062-9]  GO
This Reprint comprises all of the accepted articles published as part of the Special Issue “Mathematical Methods and Applications for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision”. The aim of this Special Issue was to publish recent theoretical and applied studies in computational intelligence and related fields, with a particular focus on computer vision [...]
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eMedia eBook ORD 1 arrived

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[PUBDB-2024-01574] Book

Differential equations in applied mathematics
Basel : MDPI 186 pages () [10.3390/books978-3-7258-0145-9]  GO
Numerous significant ideas in applied mathematics have been formulated within the framework of ordinary or partial differential equations, which provides a language for the illustration of these ideas. Through the years, mathematicians and scientists have developed extensions of these methodologies across almost all areas of science and technology. [...]
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eMedia eBook ORD 1 arrived

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[PUBDB-2024-01541] Book

Time series with mixed spectra
CRC Press 680 pages ()  GO
Time series with mixed spectra are characterized by hidden periodic components buried in random noise. Despite strong interest in the statistical and signal processing communities, no book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of the subject. [...]
HH   ORD 1 on order

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[PUBDB-2024-01540] Book

Relativistic world
Berlin : De Gruyter XIV, 390 Seiten : Illustrationen ()  GO
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HH   ORD 1 on order

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[PUBDB-2024-01538] Book
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
de Gruyter ()  GO
HH   ORD 1 on order

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[PUBDB-2024-01537] Book

Teilchen, Felder und Kräfte: ein konzeptioneller Leitfaden zur Quantenfeldtheorie und dem Standardmodell
Cham : Springer International Publishing : 1st edition, XII, 377 S. 195 Abb. in Farbe () [10.1007/978-3-031-46280-1]  GO
Einführung -- Teilchen oder Wellen? -- Felder -- Was ist ein Teilchen, wenn es eine Welle ist? -- Eine Frage des Energieaustauschs -- Eine Welle der Relativitätstheorie -- Quantisierung von Feldern -- Energie in Wellen und Feldern -- Symmetrie und der Ursprung der Kraft -- Propagatoren und virtuelle Teilchen -- Renormierung der gefürchteten Unendlichkeiten -- Der Spin macht Bosonen und Fermionen aus -- Ladungserhaltung und Teilchenzahl -- Teilchenzoo -- Elektroschwache Kraft im frühen Universum -- Der Bruch der Welt wird nie mehr dieselbe sein -- Die starke Kraft: Quanten-Chromo-Dynamik -- Die Schwerkraft als Feld -- Weiterführende Literatur -- Referenzen und Quellen
HH   ORD 1 on order

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