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[PUBDB-2021-00994] News
Medikamente auf der Basis von mRNA entwickeln
Um die Struktur von Biomolekülen wie DNA, RNA oder Proteinen zu ermitteln, nutzen Forscher modernste physikalische Verfahren. Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse tragen dann unter anderem dazu bei, neue Impf- und Arzneistoffe zu entwickeln. [...]
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[PUBDB-2017-12928] News
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Analysis reveals new crystal structure in "gum metal"
A phase transition observed for the first time in a titanium alloy could pave the way for new structural materialsScientists from the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (MPIE) in Düsseldorf have observed a new phase transformation in a titanium alloy at DESY. The mechanism they discovered could further our understanding of some surprising properties of certain alloys and be used to develop new materials. [...]
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[PUBDB-2017-12927] News
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New mechanism reveals the secrets of a Ti alloy transformation
A new phase transformation mechanism has been described for a variation of the gum metal, an oxygen-free, β-titanium (Ti) alloy, with niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta), and zirconium (Zr) as alloying elements. The scientists behind the discovery believe that their findings will serve as a guide for future developments of new and improved varieties of Ti-alloys. [...]
External link: Download fulltextFulltext

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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2017-12926] News
Gum metals pave the way for new applications
Metals which can be bent as gum pave the way for new industrial applications for example in the aerospace industry. These so-called gum metals exist but the mechanism behind this behaviour was still unsettled and thus difficult to be used for applications. [...]
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