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[PUBDB-2024-01983] Poster
; ; ; et al
STERN: accelerator-based THz generation at XFEL
Optical Terahertz Science and Technology 2024, OTST2024, DESYMarburg, DESY, Germany, 8 Apr 2024 - 12 Apr 20242024-04-082024-04-12  GO
In order to exploit the complete scientific potential of high-energy XFELs (electron energy > 10 GeV), it is necessary to provide adequate pump sources to enable pump-probe science. The users of the European XFEL have requested a THz pump source matching the machine repetition rate (10 Hz burst mode with up to 2700 bunches per burst). [...]
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[PUBDB-2024-01982] Poster
; ; ; et al
Methods for user-oriented THz production at XFEL
FELs of Europe 2023, FoE2023, DESYHamburg, DESY, Germany, 15 Nov 2023 - 17 Nov 20232023-11-152023-11-17  GO
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[PUBDB-2024-01861] Poster
; ; ; et al
FLASHlab@PITZ Beamline Upgrade towards Full Functionality – Status and Plans
15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC’24, NashvilleNashville, USA, 19 May 2024 - 24 May 20242024-05-192024-05-24  GO
At the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ), an R&D platform for electron FLASH cancer radiation therapy and r adiation biology isbeing prepared: FLASHlab@PITZ . The design of the full beamline with optimized beam properties was finished; the setup is currently beingfinalized and the mechanical design and manufacturing is underway. [...]
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[PUBDB-2024-01838] Poster
; ; ; et al
Ten year anniversary of Germany's Young Crystallographers
Congress of the International Union for Crystallography, IUCr, MelbourneMelbourne, Australia, 22 Aug 2023 - 29 Aug 20232023-08-222023-08-29 () [10.1107/S2053273323083377]  GO
The ‘Young Crystallographers’ is a working group of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) and was founded in 2013 [1]. Within the past 10 years, this working group became one of the most active groups within the society [...]
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[PUBDB-2024-01835] Poster
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Investigating different placements of the collimating mirror for the PETRA IV beamline AppAnaXAFS
DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting, HamburgHamburg, Germany, 25 Jan 2024 - 26 Jan 20242024-01-252024-01-26  GO
▶ Applied and Analytical quick X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamline (AppAnaXAS)▶ scope: in-situ and operando analysis of catalytic processes; energy (distribution and storage of energy in the form of chemical energy carriers); green chemistry (to close the carbon cycle); earth & environment (bio-catalysis as part of biotechnology); air & space transportation (synthetic fuels)▶ source with a broad and continuous spectrum → 3-pole Wiggler desired▶ high divergence and an imminent loss of intensity at various apertures etc. (e [...]
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[PUBDB-2024-01773] Poster
; ; ; et al
Cut-Off Extension of High-Harmonic Generation in Neon by Non-Sinusoidal Sub-Cycle Optical Waveforms
Final AttoChem Workshop, AttoChem2024, La LagunaLa Laguna, Spain, 28 Feb 2024 - 1 Mar 20242024-02-282024-03-01 1 pp. ()  GO
Extending the spectrum of attosecond pulses obtained via high-harmonic generation toward higher photon-energies is an important goal for attosecond spectroscopy.An extension of the cut-off photon energy of the high-harmonic spectrum is observed when the process is driven by non-sinusoidal waveforms with durations down to belowa single optical cycle. Specifically, while the phase-matched high-harmonic spectra generated in Neon by a "sinusoidal" pulse, with a wavelength of 1.6 μm and durationof 1.5 optical cycles, extends up to ~350 eV, the spectra driven by a non-sinusoidal pulse, with a central wavelength of 1.4 μm and duration down to 0.5 optical cycles,extends up to ~400 eV.This shows experimentally how non-sinusoidal sub-cycle waveforms violate the well known proportionality of the cut-off photon energy with the square of the central wavelength..
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[PUBDB-2024-01720] Poster
; ; ; et al
Characterization of Sub-Cycle Shaped Light Transients for Waveform-Controlled Attosecond Experiments
Final AttoChem Workshop, AttoChem2024, La LagunaLa Laguna, Spain, 28 Feb 2024 - 1 Mar 20242024-02-282024-03-01  GO
The development of novel laser sources has spurred the development of new characterization techniques. Here, we present a method to determine the complete optical waveform generated by a waveform synthesizer (WS) at the experimental interaction point up to one global sign of the electric field. [...]

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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2024-01609] Poster

Publications and Open Access at DESY
Internal Poster Presentation, HamburgHamburg, Germany, 28 Nov 2023 - 28 Nov 20232023-11-282023-11-28 [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-01609]  GO

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OpenAccess [PUBDB-2024-01219] Poster
; ; ; et al
PIDs in the Natural Sciences
1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities / Poster presentations II (Call for Papers), CoRDI, HeidelbergHeidelberg, Germany, 12 Sep 2023 - 14 Sep 20232023-09-122023-09-14 () [10.52825/cordi.v1i.361]  GO
We report on ongoing discussions and plans of NFDI consortia in physics and rel-tatednatural sciences with respect to (persistent) identifiers..
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[PUBDB-2024-01173] Poster
Machine learning approaches for parameter reweighting in MC samples of top quark production in CMS
6th Inter-experiment Machine Learning Workshop, IML2024, CERN, GenevaCERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 29 Jan 2024 - 2 Feb 20242024-01-292024-02-02  GO
In particle physics, Monte Carlo (MC) event generators are needed to compare theory to the measured data. Many MC samples have to be generated to account for theoretical systematic uncertainties, at a significant computational cost. [...]
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