2025-02-26 12:10 |
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2025-02-25 12:00 |
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2025-02-19 10:56 |
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Ventura Barroso, A. ; Lipka, K. ; Schütze, P.
From detectors to data: Thermal Characterization of CMS Outer Tracker modules and Measurement of the top quark mass using tt+ jet events
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 248 pp. (2025) [10.3204/PUBDB-2025-00758]2025 = Dissertation, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2025
This thesis addresses key challenges in modern particle physics by contributing to threecritical areas: the development of particle detectors, their calibration and the analysis ofdata collected in particle physics experiments. Contributions to these areas are presentedin the context of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large HadronCollider (LHC).The first part of this work focuses on the development and characterization of a temperaturetest system (Burn-in) for silicon modules, essential components of the CMS OuterTracker Upgrade, a central part of the preparation of CMS for the forthcoming High LuminosityLHC running [...]
OpenAccess: Ana_Ventura_Barroso_thesisFinal - PDF PDF (PDFA); desy-thesis-25-002.title - PDF PDF (PDFA);
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2025-01-30 21:54 |
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2025-01-06 15:39 |
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2024-12-12 17:13 |
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Negi, A. ; Roehlsberger, R. ; Brandt, C.
Energy time ptychography for Mössbauer resonances
It is a fundamental problem in photon science that at X-ray energies, the oscillation frequency of the electromagnetic field is so high that a detector cannot measure the phase of an interacting object. This ‘phase problem’ also occurs in measurements of an object’s atomic-level properties using recoilless nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) of pulsed synchrotron radiation, which is based on the Mössbauer effect.In this thesis, we demonstrate how to use a ptychographic scanning technique to perform computational phase retrieval for an object in the energy domain via overlapping NRS measurements in the time domain. [...]
OpenAccess: PDF PDF (PDFA);
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2024-12-12 13:06 |
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2024-12-05 16:13 |
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2024-12-03 09:00 |
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2024-11-18 10:56 |
Book/Dissertation / PhD Thesis
Grocholski, O. ; Diehl, M. ; Moch, S.-O.
Transverse momentum dependence in double parton scattering
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, DESY-THESIS 195 pp. (2024) [10.3204/PUBDB-2024-06768]2024 = Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2024
Double parton scattering (DPS) is a mechanism in which two hard parton-levelprocesses take place in a single hadron-hadron collision. This can yield importantcontributions to search processes at the LHC, a prominent channel being like-sign leptonpair production via the production of two W bosons of equal charge in a double Drell-Yan process.The factorization theorems allow to write the DPDs cross-section in terms ofperturbatively computable hard scattering part, and non-perturbative objects calleddouble parton distributions (DPDs), which contain a lot of new information abouthadron structure at the quantum level, such as correlations between partons inpolarization, color, and momentum.In this thesis, we describe transverse-momentum dependence in the process ofproduction of two W bosons in proton-proton collision via double parton scattering.This requires so-called transverse momentum-dependent double parton distributions(DTMDs). [...]
OpenAccess: desy-thesis-24-017.title - PDF PDF (PDFA); O_Grocholski_Thesis - PDF PDF (PDFA);
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